
Cleaning up the winsxs folder - Windows

If you have desktop experience installed run disk cleanup then click cleanup system files, this will do it for you, or there is option 2 using dism.

Cleaning Up WinSXS Folder on Windows Server 2008 R2

Here are the basic steps: 1. Make sure the server has Server 2008R2 SP1 or newer. 2. Download and install the Disk Cleanup Wizard Add-on.

Delete contents of folders windowswinsxs and windowsInstaller in ...

Don't ever manually delete anything in those folders. The first one contains multiple versions of system files and DLLs, so that any program can find the exact ...

Windows Server 2008 磁碟清理

有啟用磁盤清理的兩種方法Windows Server 2008 R2: 從WinSxS複製文件; 使用桌面體驗安裝. 第一個選項簡單快捷,但磁盤清理在某些環境中不起作用 ...

Winsxs folder taking up too much space

I am trying to reduce the Winsxs folder on our server. I have read all the discussions on this and nothing is working.

在Windows Server 上使用磁碟清理

手動將磁碟清理加至Windows Server 2008 R2​​ 使用下表來找出作業系統的檔案。 找出ccleanmgr.exe,並將檔案移至%systemroot%-System32。 找出cleanmgr.exe. ...

大型WinSxS 目錄會造成磁碟空間問題

本文提供解決大型Windows 元件存放區(WinSxS) 目錄所造成的磁碟空間問題。 適用於: Windows 7 Service Pack 1、Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 徵兆 · 原因

如何在Windows Server上启用磁盘清理工具

前言. 默认情况下,Windows Server2008/2008R2/2012/2012R2 中不存在磁盘清理可执行文件cleanmgr.exe和关联的磁盘清理按钮。(Win2016默认是安装了磁盘 ...

如何清理windows server 2008 R2 中winsxs文件夹转载

WinSxS 文件夹是一个Windows 操作系统中的文件夹,用于存储操作系统的更新组件和语言包。随着时间的推移,WinSxS 文件夹可能会变得非常大,占用大量磁盘空间 ...

清理Windows Server 2008 R2 winsxs 文件夹- EmptyGao

今天在服务器上清理磁盘空间(操作系统是Windows Server 2008 R2),发现C:-Windows-winsxs这个文件夹占用很大,通过百度可以知道,这个文件夹是用来存放 ...


Ifyouhavedesktopexperienceinstalledrundiskcleanupthenclickcleanupsystemfiles,thiswilldoitforyou,orthereisoption2usingdism.,Herearethebasicsteps:1.MakesuretheserverhasServer2008R2SP1ornewer.2.DownloadandinstalltheDiskCleanupWizardAdd-on.,Don'tevermanuallydeleteanythinginthosefolders.ThefirstonecontainsmultipleversionsofsystemfilesandDLLs,sothatanyprogramcanfindtheexact ...,有啟用磁盤清理的兩種...